HB RACES - Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service

Huntington Beach RACES volunteers operate on behalf of the Huntington Beach Fire Department, Emergency Management and Homeland Security Office. RACES emergency communications are authorized by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC Part 97.407). For non-emergency public service and special events, HB RACES operates as an auxiliary communications service (ACS) for the City of Huntington Beach.

During times of emergency, our members may be called upon to exchange messages between key locations such as fire stations, police stations, hospitals, schools, public works facilities and other city resources. Our members are trained in the use of various communications modes and use the best available means to provide auxiliary communications. All HB RACES volunteer members provide and operate their own equipment.

The membership of HB RACES is screened and is required to maintain competency in communications, technology and emergency response processes through participation in regular training, drills and community events. HB RACES personnel are certified by the State of California as Disaster Service Workers and are trained to provide public safety communications support. All applicants must pass a thorough background check conducted by the Huntington Beach Police Department.

Weekly Net Schedule

  • Every Monday night at 19:15 PT (7:15 PM)
  • 2m & 70cm RACES & CERT Roll Calls
  • Visitor check-ins are welcome

Operating Frequencies

  • 2m Repeater: 145.140 Mhz ( - ) 110.9 Hz
  • 70cm Repeater: 447.940 Mhz ( - ) 100.0 Hz
  • 2m APRS Gateway: 144.390 Mhz (packet 1200)
  • 2m & 70cm Winlink RMS Gateways (W6HBR-10)

Special Events Communications

HB RACES provides auxiliary communications for special
events (Public Service, Outreach and Training) such as:

  • 4th of July Parade
  • Surf City Marathon
  • Fire Department 911 Dispatch Shadow Drills
  • Pacific Airshow (including John Wayne & Los Alamitos)
  • Annual Baker to Vegas Challenge Cup Relay
  • Annual ARRL Field Day
  • County-wide Emergency Operations Center Drills
  • County-wide SET Drills
  • County-wide AREDN Drills
  • County-wide Winlink Drills

Priorities During a Disaster

HB RACES members may be deployed throughout the City
to provide emergency communications that may include:

  • Establishing RACES Net Control in the City's Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
  • Relaying CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) neighborhood reports
  • Supplementing impact assessment and/or windshield survey reports for the EOC
  • Backing up Fire, Police, Public Works, and Marine Safety communication systems
  • Providing backup communications between public/private schools and the EOC
  • Establishing communications in emergency shelters

Ready to join?   Contact us today

To volunteer and participate in Huntington Beach RACES
all members must meet the following requirements:

  • Want to help your community in time of need
  • Have an amateur radio operators license
  • Have a portable (HT) 2m/70cm radio
  • Available for emergency call-outs
  • Available for special events
  • Attend monthly meetings at City Hall
  • Participate in weekly on-air radio net
  • Live or work in Huntington Beach
  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Pass a background check by HBPD

Contact us via E-mail at :  info@hbraces.org


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